Implement a Scalable WebSocket Server With Spring Boot, Redis Pub/Sub, and Redis Streams

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This is a follow-up to my previous article on the design considerations for scaling the WebSocket server horizontally.

In this article, I will go into detail on how we can implement that using Redis Pub/Sub and Redis Streams.

My WebSocket ServerĀ Series

Quick Recap

Full design for scaling WebSocket servers in a microservice architecture using publish-subscribe pattern

In the last article, we identified two issues that will occur when horizontally scaling the WebSocket server and backend microservices:

  • Issue #1: Message Loss due to Load Balancer
  • Issue #2: Duplicated Message Processing due to Multiple Subscribers

The solutions were to apply publish-subscribe messaging patterns with consumer groups’ concepts to the architecture design. For more information, refer to the previous article.

Let’s GetĀ Started

Follow along to build a scalable WebSocket server using Spring Boot, Stomp, Redis Pub/Sub, and Redis Streams.

Step 1: Building a WebSocket server

Follow Steps 1 and 2 of my previous article to initialize a WebSocket server using Spring Boot and STOMP messaging protocol.

Step 2: Start the RedisĀ server

For a quick setup, run the Redis server locally using docker.

docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis

Step 3: Configure the connection to RedisĀ Server

Add the following configuration to the application.yml file of the WebSocket server to connect to the Redis server.

# application.yml
    host: localhost
    port: 6379

Step 4: Implement Pub/Sub (Broadcast Channel) for Unidirectional Real-Time Communication

Design for Unidirectional Real-Time Communication using APIs and Pub/Sub (Broadcast)

In step 4, we will create APIs for unidirectional real-time communication between backend microservices and web applications (frontend). The WebSocket server receives messages from backend microservices via APIs and broadcasts the messages to all WebSocket server instances using Redis Pub/Sub. The messages are then forwarded to the web applications via the established WebSocket connections.

Step 4.1: Create BroadcastEvent class

BroadcastEvent is a custom object for broadcasting the message from one instance of the WebSocket server to all instances of the WebSocket server.

data class BroadcastEvent(
    @JsonProperty("topic") val topic: String,
    @JsonProperty("message") val message: String
): Serializable

Step 4.2: Configure Redis Pub/Subā€Š-ā€ŠReactiveRedisTemplate

ReactiveRedisTemplate is a helper class that simplifies Redis data access code. In our configuration, we are publishing/subscribing the value BroadcastEvent and using Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer to perform automatic serialization/deserialization of the value.

class RedisConfig {
    fun reactiveRedisTemplate(factory: LettuceConnectionFactory): ReactiveRedisTemplate<String, BroadcastEvent> {
        val serializer = Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer(
        val builder = RedisSerializationContext.newSerializationContext<String, BroadcastEvent>(StringRedisSerializer())
        val context = builder.value(serializer).build()
        return ReactiveRedisTemplate(factory, context)

Step 4.3: Configure Redis Pub/Sub ā€” Broadcast Service

RedisBroadcastService contains logic for publishing and subscribing to a custom channel (BROADCAST-CHANNEL). This is the channel for broadcasting messages from one instance of the WebSocket server to all instances of the WebSocket server.

Whenever the WebSocket servers receive a message from the BROADCAST-CHANNEL, the message is forwarded to the web applications (frontend) that have established a WebSocket connection with it.

class RedisBroadcastService(
    private val reactiveRedisTemplate: ReactiveRedisTemplate<String, BroadcastEvent>,
    private val websocketTemplate: SimpMessagingTemplate
) {
    fun publish(event: BroadcastEvent) {
        reactiveRedisTemplate.convertAndSend("BROADCAST-CHANNEL", event).subscribe()

    fun subscribe() {
            .map(ReactiveSubscription.Message<String, BroadcastEvent>::getMessage)
            .subscribe { message ->
                websocketTemplate.convertAndSend(message.topic, message.message)

Note: @PostConstruct is a Spring annotation that allows us to attach custom actions to bean creation and the methods are only run once. In our case, we are subscribing to the BROADCAST-CHANNEL on bean creation.

Step 4.4: Creating APIs endpoints

The code below creates a REST controller with a POST request endpoint that takes in a request body NewMessageRequest. The topic is the STOMP destination that the client (frontend) subscribes to and the message is the actual message in String format.

class NotificationController(private val redisBroadcastService: RedisBroadcastService) {
    fun newMessage(@RequestBody request: NewMessageRequest) {
        val event = BroadcastEvent(request.topic, request.message)

The API requests will be broadcasted to all instances of the WebSocket servers as configured in Step 4.3 above.

Step 4.5: Testing Unidirectional real-Time communication via APIs

Spin up the WebSocket server, and connect to the WebSocket server ws://localhost:8080/stomp over STOMP protocol using the WebSocket debugger tool developed by jiangxy. Once connected, configure the WebSocket debugger tool to subscribe to the topic /topic/frontend.

Next, send an HTTP POST request to the WebSocket server using the curl command below:

curl -X POST -d '{"topic": "/topic/frontend", "message": "testing API endpoint" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8080/api/notification

The WebSocket debugger tool should have the output shown below:

Screenshot of the output for WebSocket Debugger Tool

This shows that we have successfully configured the WebSocket server with Redis Pub/Sub for scalable unidirectional real-time communication between backend microservices and web applications (frontend).

Step 5: Implement Pub/Sub with Consumer Groups for Bi-direction Real-Time Communication

Design for Bi-directional Real-Time Communication using Pub/Sub and Consumer Groups

In step 5, we will use Redis Streams as our Pub/Sub System for bidirectional real-time communication between backend microservices and web applications (frontend). We are not using Redis Pub/Sub as it does not support the consumer groups concept.

Step 5.1: Create StreamDataEvent class

StreamDataEvent is a custom object for data exchange between subscribers and publishers. The message is the actual message in String format and the topic is a required field for the WebSocket server to know which STOMP destination to send the message to.

data class StreamDataEvent (
    @JsonProperty("message") val message: String,
    @JsonProperty("topic") val topic: String? = null,

Step 5.2: WebSocket server ā€” Implement Redis stream consumer

The consumer consumes the message from Redis streams and forwards the message to all web applications (frontend) via the established WebSocket connection.

Note: There isnā€™t a need to broadcast the message as all WebSocket server instances will receive the message from the Redis Streams.

class RedisStreamConsumer(
    private val websocketTemplate: SimpMessagingTemplate
): StreamListener<String, ObjectRecord<String, StreamDataEvent>> {
    companion object {
        private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

    override fun onMessage(record: ObjectRecord<String, StreamDataEvent>) {"[NEW] --> received message: ${record.value} from stream: ${}")
        record.value.topic?.let { destination ->
            websocketTemplate.convertAndSend(destination, record.value.message)

Step 5.3: WebSocket server ā€” Implement Redis stream config

The following code contains configurations for subscribing to Redis streams where the messages will be processed by the RedisStreamConsumer which we configured in Step 5.2.

Here, we are configuring the WebSocket server to listen to the stream identified by the key TEST_EVENT_TO_WEBSOCKET_SERVER. You can create more subscriptions depending on your use cases.

class RedisStreamConfig(private val streamListener: StreamListener<String, ObjectRecord<String, StreamDataEvent>>) {

    private fun initListenerContainer(redisConnectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory): StreamMessageListenerContainer<String, ObjectRecord<String, StreamDataEvent>> {
        val options = StreamMessageListenerContainer
        return StreamMessageListenerContainer.create(redisConnectionFactory, options)

    fun subscription(redisConnectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory): Subscription {
        val listenerContainer = initListenerContainer(redisConnectionFactory)
        val subscription = listenerContainer.receive(StreamOffset.latest("TEST_EVENT_TO_WEBSOCKET_SERVER"), streamListener)
        return subscription

Step 5.4: WebSocket server ā€” Implement Redis stream producer

The producer provides a method publishEvent for publishing data to the Redis streams. In our example, there is a scheduled job that is publishing periodically (every five seconds, ten seconds after the WebSocket server starts) to Redis streams using the key TEST_EVENT_TO_BACKEND.

class RedisStreamProducer(
    private val reactiveRedisTemplate: ReactiveRedisTemplate<String, String>,
    @Value("\${}") private val applicationName: String,
) {
    companion object {
        private val atomicInteger = AtomicInteger(0)
        private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

    fun publishEvent(streamTopic: String, data: StreamDataEvent) {
        val record = StreamRecords.newRecord().ofObject(data).withStreamKey(streamTopic)
        reactiveRedisTemplate.opsForStream<String, String>().add(record).subscribe()

    @Scheduled(initialDelay = 10000, fixedRate = 5000)
    fun publishTestMessageToBackend() {
        val data = StreamDataEvent(message = "New Message from $applicationName -- ID = ${atomicInteger.incrementAndGet()}")"Publishing Message: $data to Stream: TEST_EVENT_TO_BACKEND")
        publishEvent("TEST_EVENT_TO_BACKEND", data)

Step 5.5: WebSocket Server ā€” Implement WebSocket Configuration

Create a Controller that processes the messages from the web application (frontend) which are sent to the WebSocket server with the prefix /app. In the example below, messages sent to /app/test will be forwarded (published) to the Redis streams at key TEST_EVENT_TO_BACKEND.

Note: There isnā€™t a need to broadcast the message to all WebSocket instances as publishing to Redis Streams already ensures all backend microservices receive the message. Refer to the diagram in Step 5 for more details.

class WebsocketController(private val redisStreamProducer: RedisStreamProducer) {
    fun greetMessage(@Payload message: String) {
        val event = StreamDataEvent(message)
        redisStreamProducer.publishEvent("TEST_EVENT_TO_BACKEND", event)

Step 5.6: Backend microserviceā€” Implement Redis stream consumer

Similarly, in the sample backend microservice, implement the Redis stream consumer.

class RedisStreamConsumer: StreamListener<String, ObjectRecord<String, StreamDataEvent>> {
    companion object {
        private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

    override fun onMessage(record: ObjectRecord<String, StreamDataEvent>?) {"[NEW] --> received message: ${record?.value} from stream: ${record?.stream}")

Step 5.7: Backend microserviceā€Š-ā€ŠImplement Redis streamĀ config

The configuration here is similar to the WebSocket server’s configuration. The only difference is that we added the consumer group (CONSUMER_GROUP) which ensures that only one instance of the backend microservice will consume the data from Redis streams.

class RedisStreamConfig(
    private val streamListener: StreamListener<String, ObjectRecord<String, StreamDataEvent>>,
    @Value("\${}") private val applicationName: String
) {
    fun subscription(redisConnectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory): Subscription {
        val options = StreamMessageListenerContainer
        val listenerContainer = StreamMessageListenerContainer.create(redisConnectionFactory, options)
        val subscription = listenerContainer.receiveAutoAck(
                Consumer.from("CONSUMER_GROUP", applicationName),
                StreamOffset.create("TEST_EVENT_TO_BACKEND", ReadOffset.lastConsumed()),
        return subscription

In order for the configuration to work, we will have to manually create the consumer group for the stream TEST_EVENT_TO_BACKEND in Redis first using the command below.

Note: It is possible to implement this using codes as well, but I will keep it simple by using the Redis CLI command instead.


Step 5.8: Backend microserviceā€Š-ā€ŠImplement Redis streamĀ producer

The producer configuration is similar to the WebSocket server configuration.

Note that the microservice has a scheduled job that periodically publishes to the Redis streams and the message is crafted to be sent to the web application (frontend) at the destination topic /topic/to-frontend as part of our example.

class RedisStreamProducer(
    private val reactiveRedisTemplate: ReactiveRedisTemplate<String, String>,
    @Value("\${}") private val applicationName: String,
) {
    companion object {
        private val atomicInteger = AtomicInteger(0)
        private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

    fun publishEvent(streamTopic: String, data: StreamDataEvent) {
        val record = StreamRecords.newRecord().ofObject(data).withStreamKey(streamTopic)
        reactiveRedisTemplate.opsForStream<String, String>().add(record).subscribe()

    @Scheduled(initialDelay = 10000, fixedRate = 5000)
    fun publishTestMessageToBackend() {
        val data = StreamDataEvent(
                topic = "/topic/to-frontend",
                message = "New Message from $applicationName -- ID = ${atomicInteger.incrementAndGet()}"
        )"Publishing Message: $data to Stream: TEST_EVENT_TO_WEBSOCKET_SERVER")
        publishEvent("TEST_EVENT_TO_WEBSOCKET_SERVER", data)

Step 5.9: Testing bidirectional real-time communication viaĀ Pub/Sub

We have configured both the WebSocket server and the sample backend microservice. Let’s test the publishing and subscribing of data from Redis streams using the scheduled data publishing configuration we made in both RedisStreamProducer.

Spin up the two instances of the WebSocket server and two instances of the sample backend microservices. You should notice that the output logs are similar to the ones below.

Output Logs for Backend Microservice (instance A)
Output Logs for Backend Microservice (instance B)
Output Logs for WebSocket Server (instance A)
Output Logs for WebSocket Server (instance B)

If you are to connect to the WebSocket server using the WebSocket debugger tool and subscribe to the topic /topic/to-frontend, you should see the following logs:

Output Logs for WebSocket Debugger Tool (Frontend)

This shows that we have successfully configured the WebSocket server with Redis Streams for scalable bidirectional real-time communication between backend microservices and web applications (frontend).


That’s it! You can find the sample code here on GitHub. My implementation is not perfect but the purpose is to give you an idea of how you can scale WebSocket servers in a microservice architecture easily with publish-subscribe messaging patterns.

Git Repo Link below if you need the code referenceĀ :)

Thank you for reading till the end! ā˜•
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